What is the Support System
Command SWD?
Uniformed services support
and event handling
The Command Support System for Municipal Guards, uniquely in the country, comprehensively supports the process of handling incidents from the moment of receiving a notification to the emergency number 986, through the dispatch of appropriate patrols to the scene of the incident, initiation of mandate proceedings, sending a request for punishment to the court, up to the registration of the results of actions, conducted proceedings and vindications.
SWD MPR is an ICT system supporting the work and operational activities of the Emergency Medical Service. An important feature of the system is its full compliance with the Law on State Emergency Medical Services and its implementing regulations. The system supports the performance of all functions and activities of the Emergency Medical Service.

Characteristics of the Command Support System
Event management
The SWD system assists the Dispatcher in receiving and recording telephone calls, presenting the location of the reporting party, and automating the transmission of incident handling orders to field units.
Field patrols can be equipped with mobile devices to receive notification information and handle the notification with the recording of evidence, including photos from cameras.
The SWD system also has additional modules to support the processes of: fine proceedings, referral of penalty applications to court, towing of vehicles, recording of established blockades, security measures and keeping a schedule of employees’ working time.
Greater capacity for emergency services
Increase the effectiveness of operational and preventive measures taken
Optimization of planned preventive activities and deployment of city guard patrols in the city area
Comprehensive record of required documentation of operational activities and mandate proceedings
Reduction of the time to provide proper assistance to injured persons