What is a Tunnel Operator Trainer?

Improving response skills

Tunnel operator trainer is a tool for training traffic managers (operators) in tunnels.

The system is a faithful reproduction of the tunnel environment. It allows you to create test scenarios that replicate hazardous situations.

The task of the Trainer is to simulate the course of dangerous situations in order to acquire or improve the appropriate level of knowledge and decision-making skills of tunnel operators, the most optimal from the point of view of safety.

Solution characteristics Tunnel operator trainer

Test scenarios and simulating emergency situations

Tunnel simulator trainer is a versatile and helpful tool for training, periodic replenishment of knowledge and its verification.

The tunnel operator trainer uses Tunnel Simulator software in its operation, which is a virtual reflection of the real tunnel in three-dimensional technology. With this solution, operators test or improve their ability to react quickly in all situations on the road (traffic jams, breakdowns, weather events, etc.) or in case of unusual events (fire, lost objects, etc.). The system verifies the correctness of the sequence of actions taken and performs a measurement of the time required to take them.


Appropriate response in an emergency situation

Virtual training environment

Optimize operator training costs

Verification of staff skills with test reports

Improve decision-making skills in the face of tunnel safety risks

Raising the level of knowledge in dealing with emergency situations

Functionality of the solution Tunnel operator trainer

Tool for training traffic managers

  • Real reflection of the tunnel environment in 2D and 3D technology

  • Virtual training environment

  • Create any scenarios

  • Study of the correct sequence of actions taken

  • Reports, final evaluation

  • Simulating equipment failure

  • Simulating the behavior of vehicles

  • Simulating the control of equipment operation (including variable message signs, traffic signals, cameras, road barriers, fans)

  • Simulating incidents (e.g., fire, stopped vehicle, DUI)

  • Study of operators’ reactions to emerging events and situations in the tunnel

  • Cooperation with PLC and Tunnel Management System (TSMS)

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