What is the Tunnel Simulator?

Three-dimensional technology replication

The Tunnel Simulator is our proprietary tool developed for the virtual recreation of a real tunnel in three-dimensional technology. This solution allows the simulation of events and their consequences that may occur in a real tunnel. The software runs in a web browser and has a user-friendly graphical interface.

Symulator tunelu to nasze autorskie narzędzie, które zostało opracowane w celu wirtualnego odtworzenia rzeczywistego tunelu w technologii trójwymiarowej. Rozwiązanie pozwala symulować zdarzenia i ich konsekwencje, które mogą zaistnieć w prawdziwym tunelu. Oprogramowanie uruchamiane jest w przeglądarce internetowej i posiada wygodny interfejs graficzny

How does the Tunnel Simulator work?

Generating possible situations

Our solution replicates the conditions present in the tunnel and the devices that may actually be found there. It has the ability to simultaneously simulate the image from cameras, information displayed on variable message signs, and simulate the control of signals, loop detectors, ventilation, and power.

Additionally, it can replicate other objects that may be on the road at that time, such as cyclists or other vehicles that may generate incidents such as fire, smoke, stopping, or driving against traffic.


How does the tunnel simulator help?

Optimizing implemented procedures for reacting to events in the tunnel

Reducing the costs of testing procedures before implementing them in the tunnel

Shortening the testing time of procedures before implementation

System Functionality

Testing and verifying procedures in a virtual environment

  • Providing a virtual test environment for procedures implemented in tunnels

  • Verifying the correctness of procedures implemented in tunnels

  • Graphical presentation of the effects of activated procedures and events occurring in tunnels

  • Obtaining precise information about the reaction to modifications of procedures implemented in the tunnel

  • User-friendly interface

Our Specialties

Wide Range of Solutions

The simulator has its own tool for entering and changing simulation parameters, independent of the Tunnel Management System (TMS) such as SCADA. The simulation can be triggered automatically, both from the user software and from the Tunnel Management System.

The 3D Simulator creates a simulation by running appropriate scripts or by manually invoking a single event, such as a vehicle fire in the tunnel. Meanwhile, simulation created from the Tunnel Management System (TMS) is performed by executing a procedure by the operator. This procedure has the same impact on the reaction of devices in the tunnel.

  • Observations of Occurred Events

  • Simulation of any objects

  • Verification of the correctness of communication protocols

  • Verification of the Tunnel Management System’s operation

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