What are WASKO Databases?

Professional address databases for your business

WASKO databases are a complete and expert resource for verifying and standardizing address data. They contain complete, reliable address information from all over Poland: geographic coordinates, postal codes, street names, building numbers. Our dictionaries are a tool for companies handling correspondence, processing information and needing access to geolocation data to run their services.

Bazy danych WASKO.

How do WASKO Databases work?

All the information in one place

With the help of our dictionaries you will assign institutions and offices to addresses, you will find information on the naming of all localities and their postal codes, including those archived, withdrawn from use.

In the right combination, the data contained in our databases find applications in automatic correspondence mechanisms, financial processes or validation mechanisms, among others.

Full dictionary database

We provide data in the form of text or database files.
A solution for companies that import the received data into their own systems.

Online access

Allows you to search for current data in the database via a web browser. The solution is recommended for companies searching for information on a regular basis, in small quantities.

Offer Databases

A well-chosen address base increases efficiency

  • A collection of address information from all over Poland, assigned to towns, streets and building numbering ranges. Among them, information on population, geographical coordinates of buildings, centroids of localities and postal codes, or TERYT numbering (SYM, SYM_POD, SYM_UL).
  • A database containing information on the number of households for buildings, streets and postal codes in Poland, and population information for towns, streets and postal codes.
Address database of all buildings and apartments in Poland.
  • Geographic coordinates of address points (geo-coordinates for 8.7 million address points)
  • Geographic coordinates of localities (centroids for 73 thousand localities in Poland)
  • Geographic coordinates of postal codes (centroids for more than 26 thousand records; when estimating the center of a point, the number of residents in each building was taken into account, so the center of the code was shifted towards the buildings with the largest population)
Dane dotyczące ryzyka zalania budynków w kilku zakresach. Możliwa jest selekcja budynków, dla których występuje ryzyko zalania:

  • brak ryzyka
  • raz na 10 lat
  • raz na 100 lat
  • raz na 500 lat
  • ryzyko zalania w przypadku zniszczenia wałów przeciwpowodziowych
  • Administrative Offices: City Offices, Municipal Offices, County Offices,
  • Provincial Offices, Marshal Offices;
  • Tax Offices;
  • Customs Offices;
  • Appellate courts, district courts, district courts and court divisions: civil, commercial, land registry, enforcement, criminal, family;
  • Prosecutor’s offices;
  • Agricultural Social Insurance Funds;
  • Civil registry offices;
  • Social Insurance Companies;
  • Offices of judicial officers;
  • Police;
  • State Fire Service;
  • Municipal guards and municipal guards;
  • Labor Offices;
  • Tax Administration Chambers.
Includes information on name date, genus, and variation of names by cases (nominative, complement and vocative). We also offer a database of foreign-language forenames with the assignment of nationality to the name.


Highest safety standard

Streamlining the data entry, grouping and selection process

Higher quality of owned address databases and contained data

Elimination of duplicate and erroneous addresses

Enhance user experience when filling out forms

Automation of serial correspondence and billing processes, among others

Support for calculating distances between points

Additional services

Expand the capabilities of your database

Integration opportunities

We provide WebAPI service for customers interested in integrating their own systems with the databases we offer. The service allows you to search for data in your own application using a connection to the server, giving you the opportunity to expand your tools at will.

Database services

With the help of our address dictionaries, we also process orders for various types of database services, including: data standardization, geocoding, and data completion.

Advantages of WASKO Databases

This is what sets us apart

Quality and timeliness

We take care of the timeliness of the data contained in the databases. We perform updates with regular frequency. We update postal codes and streets monthly. Quarterly: bailiffs’ offices, courts, city and municipal offices, geographical coordinates. Annually, we check the territorial division, tax offices, civil registry offices, population and households, building and apartment numbering and other data (except for the names database).


We have more than 20 years of experience in running address databases and database services.

TERYT compliance

We describe all data with identifiers that allow linking to data from the TERYT (National Official Register of Territorial Division of the Country) register.

Official sources

The information in our dictionaries comes from official sources, including: Central Statistical Office, Central Office of Geodesy and Cartography, City and Municipal Offices, Polish Post Office.

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